Article marketing is a great way to drive lots of targeted traffic to your website, but it can take time. I remember sitting down to write my first article. It took me two days to finish it and I was still not convinced it was good enough to publish. Over time, I got better and faster at writing quality content, but it would still take me an hour or so per article. Let me show you how I changed that and can now write an article in under 8 minutes.
Then I heard about something called "Pavlov's Law". Yes, that's the guy with the drooling dogs, but this is different. Pavlov's Law states that any task will take the amount of time we allot for it. Let's apply that to writing articles.
If my only goal for Monday morning is to write an article, it'll take me all morning. I'll start with some research, read a few related blogs and jot down some possible article ideas. I'll go grab another cup of coffee and sip on it while mulling over which of the topics to choose. By 10 am I'm finally opening a word doc to sit down and start writing.
Fast forward to 2pm; I'm finally wrapping up a 400 word article for my Affiliate Marketing Blog, having done most of the writing in the past 15 minutes because I realize it's almost time to pick up my daughter from school.
Now let's look at a different scenario to that shows how we can train ourselves to write much faster. Again, it's Monday morning and you need to write and submit an article. At 8:30, just as you're sitting down to write, your best friend calls inviting you to go have coffee at 9:00. It takes you 5 minutes to get ready and 10 to drive to the coffee shop, leaving you 15 minutes to work. You sit down, write your article and submit it to your favorite article directory before you head out the door.
Because you only had 15 minutes to get it done, you wrote much faster. The trick to writing articles in under 8 minutes is to train yourself to do so with a time. Grab your cell phone or the kitchen timer. Set it for 20 minutes and do what you can to write your article within the allotted time.
The next time you sit down, change that time to 18 minutes, then 15 and so forth until you find the minimal amount of time it takes you to write a quality 400 word article.
And yes, in case you're wondering; it did take me less than 8 minutes to write this article for you.
Susanne Myers
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