Malaria is a disease caused by Plasmodium genus sporotozoa with symptoms paroximal and periodic fever, anemia and splenomegaly are transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito, so that we avoid malaria we should know the symptoms, modes of transmission and prevention of diseases like malaria will I write below.
Malaria Symptoms
a. Fever
Fever has three stages of a cold stage (frigoris) which lasted 12-60 minutes. Later-stage heat (febrile) lasted for 1 - hour, then entered the stadium (sudoris) ie sweating stage lasts 1-3 hours.
Malaria Symptoms
a. Fever
Fever has three stages of a cold stage (frigoris) which lasted 12-60 minutes. Later-stage heat (febrile) lasted for 1 - hour, then entered the stadium (sudoris) ie sweating stage lasts 1-3 hours.
b. Enlarged spleen
In tertian malaria / vivax magnifying begin the second week, whereas in tropical malaria, enlarged spleen on days 3-4, enlarged spleen having to remove a ruptured erythrocytes.
c. Animea
Animea vary through from mild to severe anemia, the most severe in plasmodium falciparum infection.
d. Headache
Severe headaches, especially in Plasmodium falciparum.
e. At the young age of the child getting less and less obvious clinical symptoms, but that stands out is diarrhea (diarrhea) and pale from lack of blood.
f. Poor appetite.
g. Nausea vomiting.
How to Malaria Transmission
a. Transmission by nature (natural infection)
Malaria is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito, mosquito numbers are approximately 80 species and 80 types, only about 6 species can be factors of malaria in Indonesia.
b. Transmission of unnatural
Congenital malaria (congenita)
Occurs in newborns because her mother suffered from malaria. Transmission occurs through the umbilical cord or placenta.
c. Mechanically
Transmission occurs through blood transfusions or through injection. Transmission through needle much happening on the morfinised who use unsterilized needles anymore.
d. Orally (by mouth)
Mode of transmission was never proven in birds, chickens (P. galinasium), pigeons (P. relection) and monkey (P. knowlesi).
Malaria Prevention
The efforts undertaken in order to prevent the onset of malaria, including:
Avoid or reduce mosquito bites by:
1. Using mosquito nets.
2. Smearing the body with the use of nonsteroidal anti mosquito bites.
3. Wearing mosquito coil.
4. Replacing the wire netting.
Clean up mosquito breeding places, by ridding larvae around the house and folded fabric hanging and seek in the house there are no dark places, drain standing water and throw it away.
Killing adult mosquitoes
Usually kill adult mosquitoes using insecticides, the principle of this method is to reduce the lifespan of mosquitoes so that it becomes shorten than the extrinsic incubation period due to the growth of the parasite in the mosquito can not go to completion, in other words transfusion disconnected.
Kill mosquito larvae
There are some efforts that can be done to kill the larvae Anopheles:
Chemical means
By using larvasida ie chemicals that can kill mosquito larvae or larvae consisting of: oil, diesel, kerosene, insect growth fintion vegulation (1 g) and others that can inhibit pementukan-formation on mosquito larvae.
How to biologic
Ways of doing this is to:
1. Larvae-eating fish such as gambusia, guppies, or head panchax tin and tilapia fish.
2. The herbs that can block out the sunlight like a mangrove tree.
3. Protozoa (nozema), fungi (coelomomyces) and various types of nematodes that are in the process of research.
4. Provision of anti-malarial drugs for prevention (prophylaxis) is aimed at pregnant women in endemic areas of high and new residents in Indonesia. To profilasis is kloroquin taken 1 (one) times a week beginning before entering a malaria-endemic areas. Continued during his stay in the area of proficiency level and discontinued after 4 weeks to leave the area
let us lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain a healthy environment around our homes that we and those we love are not infected with malaria that kill millions of people in the world.
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